[01.2025] Congrats on the acceptance of our two papers for diffusion models in generative wireless and edge networks at IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (TCCN)!
[01.2025] Congratulations to Everett Tucker for receiving the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Award to support digital twin and RL research in our group.
[01.2025] Congrats on the acceptance of our three papers for wireless positioning and secure federated learning at IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)!
[01.2025] Invited to attend NSF Early Career NeTS workshop in D.C.!
[12.2024] Congrats on the acceptance of our paper for Passive Inter-Satellite Localization at IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (TWC)!
[12.2024] Invited to give a talk about mapping data networks into digital reality at ORNL’s Advanced Technologies Section (ATS) Seminar Series in DOE Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
[12.2024] Congrats on the acceptance of our paper for Location-aware Earth Observation Tasks at IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom)!
[12.2024] Congrats on the acceptance of our paper for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Based Multi-Objective Optimization at IEEE WCNC!
[12.2024] Call for Paper: We are organizing the Workshop in IEEE ICC on Digital Twins over NextG Wireless Networks (link). Please submit your paper here if you are working on relevant topics!
[11.2024] Call for Paper: We are organizing the Workshop in IEEE INFOCOM on Digital Twins over NextG Wireless Networks (link). Please submit your paper here if you are working on relevant topics!
[11.2024] Invited to give a talk on Large Language Models for Computer Networking and Simulations in NC State Data Science and AI Academy.
[11.2024] Our paper, titled “Revolutionizing Wireless Modeling and Simulation with Network-Oriented LLMs”, received the Best Paper Award Runner-up at 43rd IEEE IPCCC!
[11.2024] Our journal paper on Contextual Beam Management for mmWave Wireless Networks was accepted at IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC)! Congrats Zhizhen!
[10.2024] We got an Educational and Technology Fund from NCSU to support our wireless sensing project!
[09.2024] Congrats on the acceptance of our paper for Open RAN with air mobility at the Elsevier Computer Communications!
[09.2024] Congrats on the acceptance of our paper for LLM in network instrution detection at the IEEE CCNC!
[09.2024] Will attend the Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Core Universities AI Workshop and post our recent LLM & DT works!
[09.2024] Congrats on the acceptance of our paper for semantic communication and 3D reconstruction at the 100th IEEE VTC!
[08.2024] Invited to attend the NSF SaTC PI meeting at CMU. Please feel free to reach out if you’d like to have a chat there!
[08.2024] Congrats on the acceptance of our paper for an interactive, automated, and script-free simulation paradigm using LLMs at the IEEE IPCCC!
[08.2024] Invited to attend the NSF Workshop on Sustainable Computing AI at Purdue University.
[08.2024] Will attend the NSF CSSI/CyberTraining/SCIPE PI Meeting at Charlotte, NC! Please feel free to reach out if you’d like to have a chat there!
[08.2024] Congrats on the acceptance of our three papers focusing on Localization against Jamming Attacks, DT Synchronization, and Clustered Federated Learning at the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)!
[07.2024] Media coverage on “How a ‘Digital Twin’ Can Make Wireless Networks Faster, More Reliable”.
[07.2024] Our paper on fast and robust 3D object reconstruction is accepted to ACM MM 2024.
[07.2024] Our project on “Towards Secure and Privacy-enhancing Digital World Experiences” is funded by the NSF SaTC Core program, thanks NSF!
[06.2024] Our paper, titled “Poisoning Attacks on Federated Learning-based Wireless Traffic Prediction”, received the Best Paper Award Runner-up at IEEE/IFIP Networking!
[05.2024] Our journal paper on mmWave Radio with Mobility Awareness was accepted at IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC)! Congrats Zhizhen!
[05.2024] Our journal paper on Digital Network Twins for Edge Caching Optimization was accepted at IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC)! Congrats Zifan!
[05.2024] Excited to announce our upcoming Summer Residential Camp: Seeing through a Digital World, happening this summer. Join us for an opportunity to delve into the intricacies of complex network systems within the digital realm!
[05.2024] Will attend the NSF Spectrum Week on May 13th and 14th. Please feel free to reach out if you’d like to have a chat there!
[05.2024] Congrats on the acceptance of recent demo paper on Data Poisoning Behaviors in Federated Learning in IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS) 2024! See you in Jersey City!
[04.2024] Invited to attend NSF CAREER CISE Workshop on 4/29-4/30. See you in D.C.!
[04.2024] Congrats on the acceptance of recent paper on AERPAW Digital Twin and Testbed for Signal Source Localization in the SLICES Workshop of IFIP/IEEE Networking 2024!
[04.2024] Glad to serve as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking, and please feel free to submit your work here.
[04.2024] Congrats on the acceptance of three recent papers on Generative AI, Digital Twin, and Federated Learning for Networks in IFIP/IEEE Networking 2024! See you in Greece!
[04.2024] Congratulations to my Ph.D. student, Zifan Zhang, for receiving the NCSU Graduate Merit Award (GMA)!
[03.2024] Congrats on the acceptance of recent paper on Federated Learning Security in ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)!
[02.2024] Glad to serve as an Area Editor for Elsevier Computer Networks journal, and please feel free to submit your work here.
[01.2024] Call for Paper: We are organizing Workshops on Edge Learning over 5G Mobile Networks and Beyond in IEEE ICC and Digital Twins for the Metaverse in The 48th IEEE COMPSAC. Please submit your paper if you are working on relevant topics!
[01.2024] Congrats on the acceptance of two recent papers on Beam Management and Material-inspired Networking in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)! See you in Denver!
[12.2023] Congrats on the acceptance of two recent papers on Digital Network Twins in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (JSTSP) and IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)!
[10.2023] Congrats on the acceptance of two recent papers on Trustworthy Federated Learning and Federated Graph Node Classification in IoT!
[10.2023] Will attend the NSF CSR PI meeting on Oct. 16th and 17th at Duke University. Please feel free to reach out if you’d like to have a chat there!
[09.2023] Our project on “Digital Network Twins” is funded by the NSF CNS Core program, thanks NSF!
[09.2023] Congrats on the acceptance of our system demonstration – A Collaborative Platform for Tool-Augmented LLMs in The Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2023!
[08.2023] Congrats on the acceptance of our journal paper on Graph Neural Networks for Joint Communication and Sensing Optimization at IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC)!
[08.2023] Our team participates in the AERPAW Find A Rover (AFAR) Challenge, aiming to leverage autonomous navigation, wireless communication, and sensing capabilities within the AERPAW platform.
[07.2023] Congrats on the acceptance of our three papers focusing on UAV Localization, Complex Neural Networks, and Spatial-Temporal Prediction Model at the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)!
[07.2023] We got the Best Paper Award for our paper titled “E-App: Adaptive mmWave Access Point Planning with Environmental Awareness in Wireless LANs” at IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN)!
[06.2023] We organize a thematic issue entitled “Next-Generation Network Architecture, Algorithms, and Security” in International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control (SWCC). Please feel free to submit your work via the link here, select the option of “Manuscript Submission in any Thematic Issue”, and enter the hot topic (HT) code as “BMS-SWCC-2023-HT-67”.
[05.2023] Glad to serve as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, and please feel free to submit your work here.
[05.2023] Glad to share our recent work on generative model (tool-augmented LLM). Feel free to check out our demo; paper; and code.
[05.2023] Congrats on the cybersecurity paper “Few-Shot Multi-Domain Knowledge Rearming for Context-Aware Defence Against Advanced Persistent Threats” got accepted in IEEE International Conference on Smart Applications, Communications and Networking, 2023.
[05.2023] My students and I are invited to attend the AERPAW Community Workshop 2023 at NC State. Thanks AERPAW folks!
[04.2023] Congrats on the paper “E-App: Adaptive mmWave Access Point Planning with Environmental Awareness in Wireless LANs” got accepted in IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IC3N), 2023. See you at Hawaii!
[04.2023] Congrats on the paper “IVSign: Interpretable Vulnerability Signature via Code Embedding and Static Analysis” got accepted in IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN) Workshop on Data-Centric Dependability and Security, 2023.
[01.2023] I hold a courtesy appointment in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at NC State.
[01.2023] Congrats on the paper “Joint Optimization of Sensing and Communications in Vehicular Networks: A Graph Neural Network-based Approach” got accepted in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2023.
[12.2022] I will teach CSC/ECE 570 Computer Networks at NC State University in spring, 2023. Please feel free to attend or directly reach out to me if you need more information about the course.
[11.2022] I serve as the Technical Program Co-Chair of ACM WNS3 2023. Please submit your work and join us in Washington, D.C. area on June 28-29, 2023!
[10.2022] We got the Best Paper Award for our paper titled “Environment-Aware Link Quality Prediction for Millimeter-Wave Wireless LANs” in ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access!
[08.2022] Our research paper on a machine learning based link quality prediction approach got accepted by the ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (MobiWac’22), in Canada.
[07.2022] I will teach CSC/ECE 791-005 Advanced NextG Network Design at NC State University this fall. Please feel free to attend or directly reach out to me if you need more information about the course.
[07.2022] We got the Best Paper Award for our paper titled “Exploring Performance Limits on Proactive Fair Scheduling for mmWave WLANs” in IEEE LANMAN 2022!
[06.2022] We gave a lightning talk “Towards Efficient Distributed Simulation of Next-Generation Wireless Use Cases in ns-3”, at ACM WNS3, virtual conference.
[06.2022] Invited to attend the NSF Workshop on Radio Frequency Dataset Generation, Access, and Sharing, at the Northeastern University campus in Boston.